8 weeks of Robotics and Adv. Programming Workshops for Novice to Advanced - Prepare student for an AI future.
Complete E-booklet2 groups: Gr.5-8 and Gr.8-12 - all focus on engineering with full automation in higher order of thinking. Rewarding way to gain competitive edge for the new school year.
Summer RegistrationSatellite Programming Competition (by MIT and NASA) .
Two 2-week Advanced workshops diving into comp. programming and robotics.
With a focus on hands-on, application-based projects and an interdisciplinary approach (i.e. utilizing math, robotics, and computer science as valuable tools), our programs aim to foster higher-order thinking, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Great NewsWe shall again participate the 4 to 5 weeks of ZeroRobotics Middle School Satellite Programming Competition. Tentative weeks: 6/24 to 8/2 (no meetings: 7/1 to 7/5).
(For Gr. 5-12) Weekly Half-day Schedule with focus on software development, robotics and electronic, and advanved learning in computer vision (Bridge to Machine Learning). Mon-Fri : 9AM to 12PM, or 12:30 to 3:30PM.
(For Gr. 8-12) Available for Advanced Placement Computer Science A students. Two 2.5-hr classes per week for 5 weeks.
Flexible Schedule for one or more weeks - June 24th to August 23rd (no class: July 1st): AM/9-12 or PM/1-3 or Both.
Some Full Days for advanced workshops.
AM: 9 to 12. PM: 1 to 3. Choose both AM and PM within the same week - additional $60 saving.
Full Day classes: 9AM to 3PM
ZeroRobotics: 3 different timeslots throughout the day. 2 in-person, 1 online.
1:4–8 per instructor - ensuring personalized attention. Our summer instructors are year-round robotics and software development enthusiasts—many of whom are past robotics competition winners or have placed highly in ACSL and USACO Silver/Gold.
Go Green and BeingEco-friendly!
All workshops materials and registration information are accessible only online. Online registration is required.
Each student will receive an individualized performance report, and recommendation for further development to strengthen students background in robotics and computer science.
As part of daily check-in process, students may place order online to purchase their lunches. Food is prepared daily and delivered to us by a local restaurant (nut-free Lunch Menu - cooking with vegatable oil). Menu will be available by May.
Storming Robots is located within the same complex with an Urgent Medical Care Unit (less than one minute walk), as well as Family Doctors office.