2022: NASA STEM Internship: Pranav Sitaraman, Ishaan Verma, Aditya Dutt.
2022: Research in Science & Engineering (RISE) at Boston U.: Andy Cheng.

Neha Vardhaman, 11th grader at the Montgomery H.S., was awarded an offer of the 2021
STEM Enchancement in Earth Science (SEES) SummerInternship. (10% acceptance rate)
(from the Texas Space Grant Consortium): NASA, Texas Space Grant Consortium, and the Center for Space Research at UT Austin Summer Intern Program is a nationally competitive STEM program for high school students. The program provides selected students with exposure to Earth and space research. Interns will learn how to interpret NASA satellite data while working with scientists and engineers in their chosen area of work.

2020: Julian Lee, 12th grader from Pingry School, was initially accepted into the competitive
Science and Engineering Apprenticeship(SEAP) 2020 Summer Program.
Unfortunately, the program was canceled due to Covid-19. Instead, Julian later received the surprise offer to remotely work for Naval Research Lab in Washington DC during the Spring and Summer of 2021 instead. The SEAP provides competitive research internships to approx. 300 selective high school students each year.
2016: Daniel Kolano, 11th grader from Hopewell Valley H.S., received the offer to the STEM Enchancement in Earth Science (SEES) SummerInternship to work for NASA on a computer-vision system.
View competitions achievement here from 2009 to present.